Do you trade???


New member
Hi, I was just wondering if you do any sort of trading. I bought a fish online and it is a really nice one, it's a Diamond Watchman/Sleeper Goby. It seems to be a very nice specimen and is about 3-4 inches long. I bought this fish knowing that they dig a burrow and sift the sand. Unfortunately, I had no idea what kind of a mess it would make in the tank. My corals are not too happy right now with all the sand floating around so I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the fish (I hate to but I'm not sure what else I can do). I didn't know if I could do a trade for a coral or something else. If it's against your policy to trade I would welcome any suggestions. Thanks.

Hi Decoy,

We can offer you in-store credit for the fish, however we only offer wholesale prices so it will probably be much less than what you paid for it. Let us know if you are still interested.


Hi Cory, yes I'm am interested. How can we find out what the wholesale price is? Do you need to see the fish to determine that? I live in Anderson and work in Indy so stopping by isn't a problem. Thanks.

Yeah we would need to see the fish first. We could help you out tomorrow afternoon if you are in town.


When would I be able to stop by tomorrow (Thurs) afternoon? Thursday is an unusual situation that may work out. I have to leave work early for a Dr appt that's at 2pm. I could feasibly get back down to you around 4:30 or 5. Would that be too late? If so, what about Sat? I know you guys aren't open this particular Sat but I didn't know if someone would still be there to fill internet orders. I know I need to take care of this fairly quickly because my open brain and montipora are not looking happy. Thanks for all your help. If it would be easier, I can PM you with my work number. Just let me know