Do you use a heater??


New member
I was thinking after having a heater issue...Why do I use a heater all year long???

My house is always 73-77. I want my tank at 80. In most parts of the country/world it gets real cold. and houses get down to 60 at night. I know my house in NY did as we only would heat the bedrooms. At night, when my tank gets the coolest my house is set to 75.

I wonder what would be the temp variation would be if I pulled the heater. Anyone tried this?
I dont know what heater issue you used to have..., but the purpose of having the heater on all year long is to keep the temperature of your tank at a constant. If you take it out and you have the temperature going up and down the fish could get Ic, or die.

If I were you, I would check the temperature of your tank at different intervals of the day. Find the highest temp. it gets to, and then set the heater to that temp. so it never changes.
My tanks are always topping 81-82, but at night drop down to 76ish. I run a heater to keep it stable above 82, and a chiller on the 120 to keep it exactly at 78
Dont set your heater at your highest temp because your lights can heat the water more depending on what you are using.....

if you peak out at 82 and have the heater set at 82 you may just cook your tank when the lights come on.

work with a 1-2 degree margin for change..,... even with chillers I have seen folks tanks vary between 1-2 degrees. try to keep your temp range within 78-82 ...but with a 1-2 degree change...

example 78-80, 79-81, 80-82..

Good luck!

I have 4 250w heaters in my tank. If I didnt the tank would go down to 75. My tank stays 77-78 all day and night
No heaters in my tank, and the temp usually stays at 80 overnight. On cold nights when we leave the windows open, it drops to 78-79. I've never seen it go below 78.

The bigger the tank, the less likely you need a heater, due to the ratio of volume : surface area.
IMO the key is your how big of a difference your have between your low and high, that varies from set up to set up, a/c vents, people adjusting the thermostat (kids), equipment..... the more changes to the environment around your tank the more equipment to keep it stable.