do your rics.....

Do rics normally close up at night? I can only describe it as closing like zoos do when aggrivated. The edges wrap up and cup the entire thing. Any tiny sign of light at night and it opens back up.
most of mine stay open, there is one that i cut in half and now both sides are 4 weeks into healing, one closes the other doesn't.
i have all yumas.
Mac, mine do the exact same thing. Perfectly normal, although random as far as their is no pattern. Sometimes open, sometimes not.
mine close up like zoas right when the light goes off... after about a half hour they open back up in the dark but are very deflated. some are half and half open.
Thank you all. I dont see anything aggrivating it. I only have one right now... I am glad to see that some others do close at night.
Mine used to shrink until I added a RDP refugium. I attributed mine to pH swings between night and day.