Does anyone have experience with Heniochus?


Hi, some of you may recall that a while back I made a thread asking about the suitability of Butterflyfish (Chaetodon spp.) for a beginner, and in the end opted to not get one due to their overall fragility.

However, one thing has changed for me. After reassessing the amount of space available in my apartment, I thought I may be able to squeeze in a 5-foot tank, up from a 4-foot tank. I did some research recently and found that there is this one genus of Butterflyfish called the Heniochus that some sites say are an exception to the usually difficulty of keeping most other butterflies. This is making me consider the possibility of getting one for my tank, because the other tank mates will all be relatively peaceful.

I haven't made many changes to my original 4-foot stocking plan apart from the addition of a OSFF and the possible addition of a Heniochus bannerfish.

x1 One-Spot Foxface

x2 Ocellaris Clowns (or the Black and White variety)

x1 Marine Betta

X3 PJ Cardinalfish

x3 Australian Stripeys

x2 Flame Hawkfish

x1 Heniochus acuminatus / diphreutes / intermidus (possible)

I would welcome experiences and insights on how to keep these fish and whether my tank would be suitable for one. Are they hardy, resilient, disease resistant? Are they finicky eaters? Are they reef safe? Are they suitable for a system under 6 months old?

Thanks and I would welcome replies.

As far as I know, the other species on my stocking list are pretty hardy. Will the inclusion of a Bannerfish be the only fragile addition to my tank? Must special care be given to it?
i had 2 that grew to adulthood in my tank in the past, didnt have any issues with aggression from them or toward them, i thk you will be fine with em
Can anyone comment on the difficulty or hardiness of this fish? Is it durable and resilient towards disease?

Should I wait a couple months (5-6) before getting one into a more established system or is it OK for a new system?
i would wait till your system is at least up and running for 6 months min, as for the fish, they are hardy,i dont think you will have any issues
Thatโ€™s good to know. Thanks. What happened to yours?

Is the six months because they prefer more mature live rock?
mine ate misis shrimp, pellets, would nibble on nori, i had atapsia at the time i got them, they wiped it out in about 4 days lol, i hade em for about 5 years, came home one day and my ac unit had stopped working and it was in high 90s outside that day very hot in the house, tank got into high 90s and they didnt make it,
They r really cool I bought 3 tiny ones and they grew really fast ime very hardy and eat like pigs but I have a 180 and wouldn't consider adding one because how big they get and fast

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk favorite fish. In my experience I have found them to be extremely hardy, fast growers, peaceful, great eaters and beautiful to watch. Diphreutes is the only one considered mostly reef safe...the other two not. Diphreutes and acuminatus get mixed up since it is difficult to tell them apart especially if you don't have one of each in front of you to notice the subtle differences. The one place that Diphreutes exists without Acuminatus in the same waters is Hawaii. So if you can get one from there, you are guaranteed it is Diphreutes.

I would not consider putting one in a four foot tank, though. A five foot would be fine, though.