Dolabella auricularia


New member
I'm looking for this particular type of sea hare (Dolabella auricularia). I've found other sea hares, but not this one precisely. Anyone have one of these for sale or know where I could find one to buy?

Here is a picture of the one:

Oddly enough, I just today discovered that I have two (only knew of one before) that came on liverock from Salty Critter. Considering I only purchased about 4 medium sized pieces of rock they are either very abundant or I had great luck! They eat hair and other algae like its going out of style. Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested in selling, though maybe you could post a message to Dan in the Salty Critter forum and see if he'd try to hunt some down out of his rock tubs for you.

Good luck, let me know if you find some.

Dolabella auricularia, I think, comes from the Indo-Pacific.

The one in Pat's tank is from the Keys, a spotted Sea Hare, not sure of the scientific name. I have been watching it, because I found some, but they never made it in my tanks despite lots of algae for them to munch on.

One interesting fact I read is, that they will and can only ink if they feed on red algae. Patrick's rabbit is doing great, eating every bit of algae in site....
Thanks all. Even though it would be going out my way to get it, I'll call and find out from Reeflife... just in case it is the one (Yes, this species hails from indo-pacific waters)

If it was caught in the keys and it's spotted, chances are that it is a aplysia brasiliana... probably looks like this:
