Don't know what to do!


New member
Just the past week I have lost 7 of my fish over the course of 3 days with the exception of my 2 "Blue Chromis". I don't know what happened. The last fish to die was my clown. Several weeks ago I added a new rock to the tank "thinking it was fully cured".. Not sure but I also noticed like a white film and my clown fish right before he died, and a couple white dots on my angel and tang before they died. I tried moving some fish to my all happen to fast. The Chromis don't have any apparent spots on them and seem to be fine. Any clue on what to do now. I don't want to add anything else without knowing what was wrong. Please help!!
oh man that really sucks. sorry for all those losses.
The white dots on the tang and angel sounds like ick which is one of the most common problems in those species. From my experience your fish are much more susceptable when they are stressed.
How big is your tank? Have you tested your water lately?
ammonia? nitrite, nitrate levels? ph? salinity?

usually adding one rock is not a problem unless your tank is very small and the rock is uncured. it could start a cycle with the die off and stress/kill your fish.

just need more info.

as to your chromis, they are hardy as they come and will live through most of anything you can throw at them
Also sorry for your loss. Ditto on the ick not being the culprit but a side affect. The slime might have been the fish shedding their slime coating as a reaction to the stress. An involuntary reaction in an attempt to rid itself of whatever was stresssing it. I would look at water tests as well to start. Any parameters out of range still just a symptom. Isolating that rock elsewhere would remove it from the equation as far as being a continuing source. Water changes after testing would be a good start. With just the chromis left you could probably do large water changes. Any odor to the water? Cloudiness?
Need your tanks stats..That is, Ammonia, Trates, PH, Alk. From your post, in fact, it does sound like you know what you did. Adding LR that you have not positive is cured is a sure way to kick off a spike in the cycle. You are also at risk for a nifty hair algea outbreak if this is the case. None the less, you need to check your params to see if your LR addition is causing a minicycle.

If so I recommend picking up some Bio-Spira, it should help curb the spike quicky. Unfortunately it sounds like the damage is done.
