DOW Flake and MAG Flake


Premium Member
Anyone know where to get these locally. I found a nice kit at BuckeyeFieldSupply from Cincy but it's a little pricey. says they will ship a single 50# bag of each. Does anybody in Indy use Randy's two-part? Maybe we could order it in a larger quantity?
I picked up a 50# bag from Ulrich Chemical . Generic package that just says Calcium Chloride but it is Dow Flake. It was just over $30 w/tax. The company is located on the east side (Post Rd).

As for the Mag, no. But I looked in my garage and found a bag (about 10 lbs left) of Diamond Crystal Jiffy Melt. It is made of magnesium chloride as well. I just don't know the concentration of it. I e-mail the company a couple days ago. Haven't heard anything.

Also I have yet to make and mix w/ either yet as my tank is only a few weeks old. has 50# MAG flake for $15 and 50# DOW flake for $16.50. I don't know how much shipping would be but I thought if we ordered several bags, we may be able to save a little on shipping costs.
Check the shipping. I'd probably go in on the Mag. I don't know if this Jiffy Melt stuff is the same thing yet. Just a 25lbs which is more than enough for me to last until winter when we can pick it up from HD/Lowes. Unless that wasn't your plan. If this Jiffy Stuff is a Dead Sea re-package then I'm set.

The 50# bag of Calcium (i only have a 40 br/20l sump) running barely over 50 gallons total volume, will last me probably until my 2yr is out of high school. :D

The way I figure it is if I'm dosing 25ml a day (way in the future as I just started) and 1 gallon makes 3785 ml, then 1 gallon will last me 150 days. With a 50# bag I should be able to make around 45 gallons of the solution. So this bag will last me 18 years?!? Maybe we should be talking about splitting my bag. :lol:

I don't know what you have coral wise but 1 bag should last you, what, 5-9 years?

Now the Mag is a different story. A 25# bag makes about 10 gallons of the Epsom/Mag solution. Which would last me about 4 years and you 2 or less. :)

Needless to say I took back my B-Ionic 64oz 2-part for 36.99.
Exactly. That's why I was gauging interest. I just ordered from Buckeye which should last me a little while. If HD here carries DOW and MAG in the winter, then we're set. I just wasn't sure. A 50 gal. and a 90's not enough to make this worthwhile. Anybody else?
Sorry to barge in on your post, but I need to know.

Is this stuff a replacement for Kalkwasser?

If so please let me know the mix ratio. I use Kalk for top off water and looking for something better and cheaper.

I'm a newbie but from what I've read the main benefit of Kalkwasser is that it replenishes calcium in the reef tank while maintaining alk!?!?! That is what this is for. The Dow Flake is for calcium, the baking soda is the Alk counterpart, and the Mag Flake/Epsom salt is for the mag supplement. Cheaper but it is 3 separate parts you are dosing, where the Kalk is just one?!?!?!

So this like B-ionic, but cheaper and better to me. At elast based on the research I have read that Randy has done. I guess you could still use kalk if you can not maintain the calcium/alk levels w/ the 2-part. Might be redundant though. Also since you are using kalk, i am guess that your PH is naturally low? if so you'd want to do his recipe #1.

Cause I'm a noob though, I'd post in the Reef Chemistry Forum on the main forum page. Randy will tell you, cause I could be wrong.
No barging in on this thread. :D Yes, spmedi is right, it's cheap B-ionic. I have a kalk reactor but so far, it has not kept up with calcium or alkalinity needs in my tank. So, I decided to start using Randy's two part. My pH hovers between 7.8 and 7.9. Very low. I use Recipe #1 to try and raise my pH some. Check his article for dosing instructions.
a little more barging! :)

I found Mrs. Wages at krogers down on the southside for $2.50 a can!!!!


You might get the DowFlake at a store that services tractor tires. Calcium chloride is used in tractor tires. I got a 50 lb bag for $15 at Neal Tire in Charleston, Illinois. Also their suppliers are usually local and they will probably have the DowFalke.

Oh yeah, i forgot that i did hear back from harvey salt and they want $38.38 for shipping in Indy. Not including the charge for the flakes. So Ulrich on N post is definitely cheaper.

As for Mag. I don't know yet.