dowflake locally


New member
anyone know where to get it?

i've heard that ace hardware and true value carry it as "Hot Stuff".

anyone familiar with that?
i'm trying not to buy it from them just because it's much more expensive. i believe my brother (aquapython) found it at ace hardware.
I'm interested also. if you find somewhere and need to order thru
ace or homedepot etc. please post and I'll prepay if needed.I live
in Boynton bch thanks
hey tom- the closest ace hardware that carries it is in virginia, and they won't ship less than a truckload. oh well....
pinch a penny pool supply is where i got it, some carry it some dont. ive heard that other pool supply stores have carried it too
Isistius thanks for the reply.I know my pool store carries a
calcium chloride but a different % i dont remember. but I'm not ready to venture on my own. I think I'll wait till I find the Dow flakes .I'll be taggin along.till i find out more.thanks again
I am selling my 50lb or so pound bag of dowflake for $40.

I used about 1/8th of the bag but there is still alot left.

Let me know.

I also have magflake but that I am selling per bag that equals 1gallon.

FYI: the new dow is not the same as the old, i would not trust it as it has a large % of a chemical it did not have before.
thank tom- i'm actually splitting it with 2 others, but i think there will be more than enough to go around.
I wouldn't trust the new... 2 part still has the old regular dowflake as well as the food grade which does not have the elevated levels of that chemical

If you can get the old stuff, thats the way to go :)
