dowflake locally?

You can get calcium chloride from a lot of pool supply house's. Sometimes labeled as Dow Flake. Pinch a Penny on Taft had a pallet of it the other day.

Magflake is tough. Since it is used for melting snow it is hard to come by down here. I am going to order some next week if you need any and there is a thread on here about Bulk warehouse that has it.
thanks treeman. does anyone know the shelf life of both sodium carbonate or calcium chloride? im in florida and it can get humid here causing some granulate to clump. will this effect the soda ash (sodium carbonate)?
I store my bulk products in my garage in empty salt buckets, and humidity/clumping has never been a problem. Soda ash (baked baking soda) is also known as washing soda, and sold as a laundry additive in a cardboard box. I imagine it's fairly stable in that form, even when exposed to some humidity.
I was always told that if you bake baking soda, as soon as it cools to room temp it starts absorbing CO2 from the air and is hard to dissolve again. Is that so?

I did not but the Dow product. Pinch a Penny had the Tetra bag so I bought it.
I'm not a chemist, so I can't say for certain. But, my assumption is that since washing soda is sold in a non-sealed container, it must be a slow conversion. But, I can tell you that washing soda doesn't dissolve in water as easily as baked baking soda (I've tested it before). Who knows...
Yes, That is what happens to not baked baking soda or baking soda that has been cooked and left out. If you bake it well enough and use it while it is hot. It will dissolve in an hour or so. I use about 5-6 lbs a week, so cost is important. I don't mind putting it in a toaster oven for a couple hours.
im kind of a greenhorn in this area bear with me treeman. you are baking baking soda and mixing it while its warm for it to dissolve better. and using it to boost your alk in your salt mix for water changes?