Dragon Wrasse and Sargassum Trigger


New member
Hey guys. Question for you:

- you have a Juvi Dragon Wrasse in stock. Can you tell me what size he/they are? I'm looking for a say a 4" or so.

- any ETA on Sargassum Triggers?

Thanks for the question. We do have juvi dragon wrasses in stock right now but they are only about 2-2.5" or so. You might be referring to the adults we have. We do have a couple of adult dragon wrasses which are probably just shy of 4".

As for sargassums, i wish I knew. They come in very sporadically and at odd times.

Hope that helps a little. :)
Thanks for that.

Here's another question. I love BOTH the adult and the juvi dragon wrasses. I have a 150 and would love to house both in that tank.

Any thoughts on that? Would it be possible to house an adult and a juvi? Would they get along?
Also, you have a medium Red Coris Wrasse on the site. Just want to make sure that he's an adult (the red/blue spot coloration).

What are your thoughts of adding an adult red coris and a juvi dragon wrasse to my 150?
Juvi wrasses in general are not terribly aggressive. We keep all dragon wrasse and red coris wrasse juvis together in one tank for instance. The adults however can be monsters and must be separated. You have a large tank though so I would imagine that if the juvi dragon wrasse was being bothered by either adult it will just dive in the sand for a while until the adults have moved on.

The adult coris wrasses we have in stock are the adult coloration.

lol Did that make sense?

Anyway, they are they red/blue like you said.

Hope that helps. :)