drain line size and volume question


New member

A question about drain line size. How much flow do I need for a 375g and a 300g tank on the same system? I will have lots of water in the drain lines and a 130g sump. I will also have LR in the tanks. So, maybe 600-750g of water. Do I need to send 10x that volume to a sump? If so, I need a 3.2 inch drain line and more linear overflow than I have. The RC drain calculator says that I can have 2300gph with a 2 inch drain line or with 2 -- 1.5 inch drain lines. That is 3 to almost 4 times 600-750g. Do I need that much?

What do you have going to your sump & therefore to your skimmer? How much flow is enough? How much is just overkill and not worth the cost. I will have a closed loop system for each tank. I will get some flow, but of course no sump and skimmer flow from the CL.

Lots of questions, I know, sorry.


No need for a lot of flow through the sump. 3-5x is the general rule of thumb. Some try to match the flow to the requirements of their skimmer.

What do you plan to have in these two tanks? If one is to be a reef and the other something else, FOWLR for example, most people will recommend that you keep the systems separate.
I'm using 2" Drain's and 1 1/2" returns running with a Seq Power Series 8400 pressure rated pump. My Display volume is 298 gl, total volume of 703 gl.
Thanks Fiziksgeek and Caveman

The 300g will sit higher than the 375g and sump/skimmer return water will enter the 300g first. Water will flow from the 300g to the 375g and then back to the sump/skimmer.

I really like corals and clams. So, I am planning to have mostly inverts. My wife and others have expressed a need for fish. Fish in a reef, ok. More fish in the 375 than the 300. The 375 in 30 inches tall - The 300g only 24 inches tall. It will be easier to work with corals in the 300 than the 375.

I am thinking about two 2 inch drain lines and two 1.5 inch supply lines. How does that sound? I will not know how much flow I will have until I get it all connected. There are several 90s and about 45 feet of travel both directions. The tanks are in one end of the house and the sump/skimmer is in the other.

Anybody else have any thoughts/suggestions.

I have a Dolphin 7500/6500 and an Iwaki Md 100. Not sure which to use.

Thanks for the comment folks.
