What kind of bit did you use? How much was it? My g/f and i need a hole drilled in her 40 breeder for a fuge, and we have all the correct equipt. to drill, just can't find the right bit.
You can buy a proper diamond hole saw on Ebay for dirt cheap (which we can't link to but if you just search for "diamond hole saw" you will find a bunch).
Most are measured in milimeters.
Find the size hole you need for your bulkhead and convert to mm.
1 millimeter = 0.0393700787 inches
1 inches = 25.4 millimeters
Just go slow and keep the bit under water for best results and longest bit life.
Build a little dam around the hole site with some modelling clay or plumber's putty.
Every few seconds I'll slightly lift the bit in a kinda pumping motion while drilling to get water to the cutting edge.
If the metal edge overheats it loses the diamond dust and becomes useless.
If you treat the bit right you should be able to get 3 to 5 clean holes out of a cheap bit depending on how thick the glass is.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12455734#post12455734 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by creepin I heard alot of people breaking glass with those bits... my method felt safe lol
I have drilled hundreds of holes with those drill bits and never once cracked a glass, the people breaking glass with those bits must of either 1.) been pressing down to hard on the glass 2.) Were not using some type of coolant for the bit 3.) were trying to drilled tempered glass.
believe me the diamond bits on ebay are the best way to go and they are very affordable. Oh and btw, the guy ships from china, but it gets you with within 3-5 days, I was suprised when I first got mine.
I second the cheap Ebay diamond bits unless you are making a very small hole like for a float valve. I've never had a problem with them and the shipping IS fast considering where they are coming from.
Small holes or odd shapes: Dremel with a carbide tile cutting bit.
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