So I'm out of ideas and it may be too late but I figured I would ask here. I got a single polyp zoa and it was doing fine for a while but then it accidentally got ripped off its plug by a snail. I managed to get it and re-glue it. It seemed to be opening up for a while and its base was growing, but then part of the polyp started to discolor to white and not open up. Even though the base seemed to continue to grow. Currently it is not opening up at all, and even though it looks like a small new polyp is trying to develop I don't know if its going to make it before the main single polyp completely dies.
Other than needing re-gluing the tank did go through a day of drastic temp fluctuations from 83-72 across a single day period (computer failure). I also did dip the coral in the starting stages to eliminate the possibility of a parasite.
Its in a 28g Nano Cube with the LED hood (Lumens are 120im). Parameters were all fairly normal 2 days ago when I last checked:
Temp - 78.9
pH - 8.02
Ca - 420
Alk - 11.8 dKH
Mg - 1290
PO4 - 0
NO3 - 0
Salinity 1.0255
I know the Alk is a little high. Doing a water change today to help things along. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks. Forgot to say that I also dose vitamin C.
Other than needing re-gluing the tank did go through a day of drastic temp fluctuations from 83-72 across a single day period (computer failure). I also did dip the coral in the starting stages to eliminate the possibility of a parasite.
Its in a 28g Nano Cube with the LED hood (Lumens are 120im). Parameters were all fairly normal 2 days ago when I last checked:
Temp - 78.9
pH - 8.02
Ca - 420
Alk - 11.8 dKH
Mg - 1290
PO4 - 0
NO3 - 0
Salinity 1.0255
I know the Alk is a little high. Doing a water change today to help things along. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks. Forgot to say that I also dose vitamin C.