E-mail reply times


We usually answer all of our emails the same day, often within few hours, so have a feeling our spam filter might of got yours. Can you resent it over.

E-mail was resent last Friday, no reply yet.

It was in regards to Order Number: 139465

I have always ordered liverock from you guys and was disapointed with the latest rock I got. I filled out the comments in the hopes of "Cherry Picking" a specific piece (Mainly 1 complete piece of rock that could be stacked vertically). Didn't get that.

Just wondering what I should have done to "Cherry Pick" the rock I wanted. There are other posts in here about people getting rock this way and I even had a friend get rock this way.


There must be some type of spam filter getting the emails. I replied to the original message and then I got your email about not receiving a reply so I forwared the originaly email message to you and then replied to your 2nd email as well. So nothing seems to be reaching you for some reason.

I did look up your order and the notes you requested were clear. I'm not sure why they got you 2 rocks instead of 1 large ,unless they just couldn't find one piece that matched that weight.

We would be happy to get you out another piece though and try to get a better match for you.

Just let us know and we can setup a replacement shipment.
Hi Jason,

The e-mails were ending up in my Bulk Inbox for some reason.

Just replied to your e-mail.

Thanks for the offer to pick something else. I have the box and packing materials from the first order and could package them to go back to you if you want to send a tag.

Thanks again for the great service.