Eco System Mud filter


New member
Does anyone have any experience with the ecosystem mud filter? I recently set up my 220 gallon reef with a 40 gallon ecosystem mud refugium. Within the first two weeks two fish I have had which have lived through two moves and a year of neglect while I built my house, died! Another got somewhat sick all while running a brand new U.V Sterilizer. While I initially introduced the mud I left the protein skimmer on full time until the refugium could establish and begin oxygenating the water. After the two week period I noticed at least one good thing my bubble anemone got HUGE and almost started to GLOW. This was an animal that for two years prior I thought would die at any time. Now the thing is actually pretty awesome. It has been about 6 weeks now with no more deaths and things are starting to sprout pretty good. I use reef solution at half dose. The ecosystem method says to quite using additives other than calcium and alkalinity. I would just like to hear from others who have used this methjod and see what they think. Currently I only run my skimmer about 6 hours a day and everything is fine. I have set up a parallel tank that is a 150 gallon right next to it. The difference is I am not using the mud, only live sand in a 55 gallon refugium with a protein skimmer on 6 hours. I have been having a hard time with some Xenia which I put in just as a watch dog for the system. I still can't figure out what is wrong with it. I swithed from reef solution on this tank to SeaChem's reef plus. Any feedback on this supplement. Garf raves about it but I haven't seen anything special in the last 1.5 weeks I have used it except for withering Xenia. Any opinions on these setups, supplements etc. would be greatly appreciated.
i have refugiums w/ ecosystems miracle mud on 3 of my 4
reef tanks,i personally have only had positive results as far as fish are concerned, as a matter of fact it has made my fish
brighter in color. i suspect that the trace elements and
minerals are stimulating the immunal systems of my fish.
as far as my corals go, i've had phenomenal results,polyp
extension like never before.
as for additives, by far ,Warner Marine is vastly superior
to sea chem or kent products, IMO. W.M. reef pure is made
from analytical reagent grade base chemicals, much better
than sea chem and kent's food grade base chemicals.
anyway, when i fist set up my eco-systems i didnt use
skimmers on them but now i run a skimmer on each system
about half the time or not so concerned about organtic
waste as i am about alleopathy(corals secreting chemicals
to defend their territory).another issue is the amount of heavy metals in the miracle mud, the number one ingredient is
titanium. i cant help but wonder what will become of that:mixed:
so for now i keep my skimmers.
The only thing I see wrong is putting livestock in a new tank after only 2 weeks. Was the water quality tested to see if it was cycled?