Electronic fingerprint for clusters???


I had some g2 clusters laying around which i had done a reflow on them and added a special blend of uv and idigo ....i was going to use these for a diy build but have since put it on hold.

I have since decided i want to use these clusters in my radion g2 lights, but i cannot seem to be able to update the lights to utilize the uv / indigo channel.....

Why am i having trouble updating??? Are the clusters serialized so my lights simply read that they are g2 clusters even though i added the leds for the uv/ indigo channel (ESSENTIALLY TUNING THEM INTO G2 PRO'S)

If so, is ther a way to change them so my lights think they are g2pro or g3 or g3pro????

Any help would be appreciated....

I know this voids my warranty but my lights are not under warrant anymore.......so im not so worried about that....
