Elephant Ear Mushroom


New member
Thinking of getting one, but I could have sworn someone on here was talking about them being bad in some kind of way. Anyone know what the deal is with Rhodactis mussoides or am I just pulling things from the sky?
Ok cool, I like them a lot though I guess I'll pass. I don't have any perching fish at the moment, but who is to say I wouldn't have one.
I know I've read that too, but gosh, my daughter's little clown goby perches on my big hairy one and can always swim away long before it comes to any danger. They don't close up very fast. Just my opinion
I have the green elephant ear and my citron goby always sits on it. I think there are two types, the one that closes up like a cup with the big bumps on them are the ones that eat fish. Tthe green one I have cant close up like the other ones.
I also Have a Very large metalic blue elephant ear that has split 3 times. the largest is about 5-6 inches across, there are two types as BLOT60 stated. I cant recall the scientific names but the ones with the larger bumps will eat fish if given the chance. The ones i have NEVER close, they just shrink a little when expeling waste.
I'm not sure everyone is thinking of the same shroom. I believe there are two shrooms that are commonly called elephant ears. One is Amplexidiscus fenestrafer, which definitely does eat fish. The other is rhodactis mussouides which seems doubtful as a fish eater.