elkhorn allowed???


New member
I believe I saw with all the comotion it is illegal to posess in your tank elkhorn corals..is that true?...not sure if they are caribbean or otherwise...is that a factor?...or are all elkhorn corals prohibited?..thanks all
Depends on what you mean by elkhorn. Alot/most of the corals in the Caribbean are restricted. I think octocorals can be collected (but could be very wrong on that). Montipora hirisuta is commonly called elkhorn, but it is nothing like the acropora stags from the Caribbean that are called elkhorn.
As mentioned above - `elkhorn' means different things to different folks. IMO, `staghorn' is another common name for a branching/tree-like Acropora form.

Generally, `elkhorn' is taken to be:
Montipora hirstuta [no Montipora from the Atlantic, all `legal']
Acropora palmata [Carib only, not legal to collect, maybe not to keep]

There are a lot of `staghorn' Acropora - besides A. palmata and A. cervicornis [the only two Atlantic Acro species, and only found in Atlantic] ... there's a lot of other `staghorn' Acropora that are commonly kept, 100% legal.

Given A. cerv. is normally golden/brown colored - and A. palmata has a dismal record in aquaria [and nowhere near as colorful as Pacific Acropora] ... IMO, there's little reason to recommend or go after Atlantic Acropora.

My opinion, though :)
thats what it is.....after looking at the pics....Montipora hirisuta , that will teach me to jump to conclusions...learn something new everyday..thanks all....
this was sold to me as an Elkhorn, beats me what it is the way you guys are talkin :)

<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y139/alten78/tank019.jpg"/>
anybody see the pic of the A. cervicornis in sprung and delbeek's new book? the caption said something about someone named ken nedimyer who had a bottom lease somewhere in florida and had legal pieces of the coral.
Another M. hirsuta
