Elos midi stocking suggestions


New member
Hi everybody.

I am currently setting up my elos midi

Equipment :
- elos e lite xp - will be upgraded tot AI prime
Vertex 150 skimmer
Dcs3000 return pump
Vortech mp10qwd

I started with 12 kg real reef rock and 2 kilo live rock and cycle is coming to its end atm

I dont have alot of algea probably because of the RRR


I was thinking about this cuc (im into shrimps)

Lysmata debilius x 1
- thor amboinensis x 1
- throchus sp x 2-3
- lysmata amboimensis x 1
- margarites pupillus x 2
- neopetrolisthes ohshimai x 1 ?? (annemoon ??)
- stenopus hispidus x 1

And thinking about these fish

I know these fishes need bigger tanks so but some of them are smaller so maby maby [emoji56][emoji56]
Centropyge loricula
o Chaetodon kleini
o Chaetodon miliaris
o Centropyge bispinosa
o Centropyge tibicin
o Centropyge vroliki

- These are the ones i really liked
1. Chrysiptera parasema
2. Chromis viridis
3. Pterapogon kauderni x 2
4. Chromis margaritifer
5. Macropharyngodon meleagris (female)
6. Gramma melacara
7. Acreichthys tomentosus
8. Ecsenius midas
9. Dascyllus aruanus
10. Amphiprion ocellaris x 2

Any suggestions/feedback?


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