Emerald Crab and Birds Nest


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So I've had a new birds nest colony for a few days and its polyps won't extend. I'm worried about it. In addition, my emerald crab seems to love to hang out in it. She's not picking at it, she's waiting for me to feed the tank because for some reason she's developed an appetite for my sis shrimp.

I don't want to lose the colony. What does everyone suggest to do to help with PE?

I have some Acro frags and some montipora colony's all showing great PE.


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What kind of flow is it getting? Get the crab out of there and that should help. Still, I don't think that would explain why you're getting no polyp extension throughout the day. What kind of lights was it under before you bought it? If it was under T5s and you have it under LEDs, it might be shocked by the excess light.
The crab is a good reason why the polyps are not extending. Emeralds do pick on sps. I have a few that do. I have a pvc stick I just put near him and he will move off the coral.
The crab is a good reason why the polyps are not extending. Emeralds do pick on sps. I have a few that do. I have a pvc stick I just put near him and he will move off the coral.

Thanks for the tip. She's hanging out at the base today, but I find it weird that the entire colony has no PE. I think something else is wrong or it's still really ****ed off from acclimation.

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Not sure if this helps but... I have a Ponape birds nest that grows fine and shows decent color but barely has any PE in my tank. But the Green, Pink, and sour apple nests in the tank have great PE. Have you seen this birds nest with PE in other tanks? It seems some don't have near as much as others.

Your picture looks similar to what my Ponape looks like most of the time.

Like you I was worried and moved it 3 times but it never changed.
Not sure if this helps but... I have a Ponape birds nest that grows fine and shows decent color but barely has any PE in my tank. But the Green, Pink, and sour apple nests in the tank have great PE. Have you seen this birds nest with PE in other tanks? It seems some don't have near as much as others.

Your picture looks similar to what my Ponape looks like most of the time.

Like you I was worried and moved it 3 times but it never changed.

Yes the picture of the guy selling it looked like lots of PE.

My emerald crab refuses to leave. I've tried hitting her with a stick, and my finger, she just attacks it and runs and hide. Not sure what else to do to get her off it! It's ****ing me off. This coral does not look good. Here's a pic of what it looked like in the guys tank I got it from.


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I smacked her off with a pipe cleaner. She is ****ed ha!

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Let me know if it helps - I might be having the same issue. I haven't seen the crab pick on it, but it's the only thing that's changed in the tank. Frustrating!
Let me know if it helps - I might be having the same issue. I haven't seen the crab pick on it, but it's the only thing that's changed in the tank. Frustrating!

The reason why mine likes the birds nest is because it's the highest Coral in the tank and she likes to try to crab frozen food when I feed.

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Ah, makes sense. Back to the drawing board...

My goal is to have a lot of coral in the tank and when that happens I hope she will bother all of it not one particular piece. That's the plan for me anyways. Regardless, I think my corals PE issue is related to lack of a mature tank. Mine is almost 4months old. I could be wrong.

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You're not going to believe this - look who I just caught munching away at this stylophora. He cleared the flesh off a whole portion in almost no time.


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Crabs are opportunistic feeders. I have 6 in my prop tank andsed to catch them all the time on my pocillapora munching. Bat them away a few times and they don't go back much. Yours looks hungry 🤑