emerald crab


Premium Member
I have an emerald crab in my main tank. He's gotten rid of most of the bubble algae and the last two nights he's been all over one of my sps colonies. I figured better safe than sorry and moved him into my QT that has a piece of rock with a lot of bubble algae. Was this move necessary, or am I overreacting to normal safe behavior? Thanks.
I have one that climbs into one of my acro colonies at night. I can't tell whether he is eating polyps or just hanging out. I haven't noticed any damaged to the colony. I thought of pulling him myself.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7504907#post7504907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Don Berry
I have one that climbs into one of my acro colonies at night. I can't tell whether he is eating polyps or just hanging out. I haven't noticed any damaged to the colony.
Same here, I have an emerald that stays in my millie at night and has for months with no ill effects.
I have a small emerald that likes to climb on my suharsonoi at night, the acro does not seem to mind. I use to have a emerald that got very large and started to break frags off rocks in search of food, he was given away. If you have a acro that starts to decline and there is ill tissue or algea growing on it, it might pick at/harm the acro, but this is not intentional, it is doing it's job. I keep them small and replace when they get big or when they run out of stuff to eat (opportunistic buggers :D ).
