emerald crabs


New member
caught one of these guys eating some of my zoas tonight, luckily he didnt try to run far and got him on the first try. pretty mad though, he ate 4/7 polpys on the newest frag i got before i caught him
100% positive, i have had several of these guys and that is what i bought them as. a girl at one of the lfs had an emerald crab that munched on some of her corals (i forget what kind) so this wasnt totally unheard of to me.

i always kept a close eye on them when i saw them near the zoas. i lost about a polyp a day til i caught this guy. he was not the usual crab that hung out near the zoas though. then i sat there and watched him intentionally grab one so that i knew for sure it was his fault. stupid crabs lol
Never heard of an emerald crab eating a zoa, mine always just picks around the coral for algae. Luckly for you many zoas grow pretty fast under the right conditions. What are you going to do with the emerald crab?
Never heard of an emerald crab eating a zoa, mine always just picks around the coral for algae. Luckly for you many zoas grow pretty fast under the right conditions. What are you going to do with the emerald crab?

It's true, do a quick search in this forum and you'll see dozens of threads on emerald crabs which are not safe with zoanthids. We've discussed it here for many years. Small emerald crabs are herbivores until their shell reaches the diameter of a quarter, then the become omnivores and will eat anything.

TOTM - August 2003
whats funny though, this guy WAS the small one of the two, and smaller than a quarter. the larger is bigger than quarter. and he only eats algae. i have even seen him picking up sand and cleaning brownish algae off it lol. either way i dont trust them, and i keep a close eye on them
LOLOLOL....wow, times are truly changing. Big or small, I would never ever place them in a zoa tank. Everyone should really search this forum for some very good info and past history of what they have done to other's zoa tanks. Good luck

TOTM - August 2003