New member
I just wanted inform everyone that I have witnessed and taken video of an Emerald Green Crab eating a Discosoma Mushroom Coral. I watched over several minutes as he ripped through it with his little mouth arms and ate it. It wasn't just pinching it or nibbling. He was definitely eating it. The good news is I have over a thousand of these pale pink mushrooms and it wasn't one of the purple, red, or green ones that I only have a few of. If he actually keeps eating that particular type, it might be a benefit.
If someone wants an EGC, I wouldn't take this as a recommendation against them. Well, unless you bought one of those $1,200 Jawbreaker shrooms. lol This is the fourth EGC I've had, and the only time I've witnessed this behavior. Although, as previously mentioned, I would not miss one of the thousand shrooms if it has happened before. I've still never seen these guys bother any of my other coral, but they are good at eating algae.
If someone wants an EGC, I wouldn't take this as a recommendation against them. Well, unless you bought one of those $1,200 Jawbreaker shrooms. lol This is the fourth EGC I've had, and the only time I've witnessed this behavior. Although, as previously mentioned, I would not miss one of the thousand shrooms if it has happened before. I've still never seen these guys bother any of my other coral, but they are good at eating algae.