Emporer Angel addition


New member
Hi guys,

Atm we have a 400L setup with

Blue trigger adult
Majestic Angel adult
Chromis, two Humbugs, Yellowtail damsels

We have a juv emporer in the QT tank that I want to put in the main tank soon, do you think this is likely to cause any problems?
In the QT there is also
Pyjama Wrasse
Royal Grammer
Orange spot goby
Pair of Red Sea Clowns
Cleaner Wrasse

Anyone have any ideas on the order to add these fish into the main tank?
The trigger and majestic angel might pick on the new guys. It would be best to add the fish in quarantine mostly at the same time, if possible, in order to reduce any attacks on one particular fish.

Do you have plans to upgrade to a larger tank? Your tank is too small for a fully grown emperor, majestic, and blue throat trigger. The emperor will get very territorial and aggressive as it grows in that amount of space.


The majestic is quiet shy and the trigger too...The majestic went into the QT tank with the emporer a while ago and there was no problems...trigger is the same very little interest in any other fish in the tank...we don't plan to upgrade so if it became an issue they would have to be moved on...in terms on the addition I'm thinking of the 6 chromis the cleaner and the emporer... the clowns could grow a bit more before moving them into the DT...we have a decent skimmer running dosing Nopox and plenty of live rocks for hiding...I don't plan on anything else other than we currently have...
Do you have plans to upgrade to a larger tank? Your tank is too small for a fully grown emperor, majestic, and blue throat trigger. The emperor will get very territorial and aggressive as it grows in that amount of space.


When you said "blue trigger," what species do you mean?