End of the road sale


florida guru
well i'm down to the last of everything, i plan on taking the system completely down sunday to clean it and wrapped it for florida:dance::dance:---so i reduced the price on what's left to get it gone---

brown leather frags(2) 10.00 each or both for 15.00
green leather frags( 2) 15.00 each or both for 25.00
green leather colony( has 3 large stalks on it) 20.00
encrusting montipora pokerstars(2) both nice size rocks 35.00 for both
dark green button polyps( 50 plus heads) 20.00
purple w/ green tip anenomes(2) both for 25.00
dark green candy cane(8 hd) 20.00
large clarkii clown---15.00( you have to catch him)
nemo clown---10.00
large 3 stalk unknown leather-- 25.00

come get them while the prices are hot-- i really need to start packing up
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Just got signed up

Just got signed up

I just signed up today. I am in the process of stocking my 90 gal. reef tank. What do you have left or is it too late?