epoxy on monti cap?

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
can i use aquamend epoxy on the bottom of a monti cap to put it on the rock? Or do i HAVE to superglue it onto a rock?
I personally don't like the aquamend epoxy for monti caps, I much rather use superglue, the caps get too slimely and I much rather use it for acros.

Just my .02
-Mike C.
you can still work it out to work with the cap, i would just dry the area as good as possible, apply the epoxy then place it where you would like it.
AquaMend F***in sucks, its the worst POS iv used. i cant even get it to stay on rock to rock.. both surfaces were dry to and held them together for awhile and nothing, it all fell apart when i put it in the water. and im not talking about 5.lb to 1lb or larger piece or rocks. im talking about the size of small frag plug sizes.

monti to rock - worthless
rock to rock - worthless
plug to rock - worthless
I didn't like the super glue for the monti. I bought a nice sized piece and it almost burned a hole in the cap. I think that the aquamend works better underwater than it does dry.
If possible, just lay the cap on the rock and it will mold itself to it. Or Gel super glue worked best for me. HTH

ya, its just laying on the rock right now where i want it, i think im going to pick up some gel this weekend, or maybe after class today, we'll see.
Chef, I had the same experience with just a simple experiment, a small colony of digitata and a rock with a small hole. Completely useless.

Has anyone here had good experience with this? I know its been reccomended.
Hey Chef. Use Zap Gel or other cyanoacrylate gel. Order it from Marine Depot if you can't find it local. Wait until it arrives and then glue your monti to rock, frag plug, etc. Let it lay on rock or eggcrate until then and IMO DO NOT USE EPOXY on corals. People do all kinds of things, but I highly recommend that you do not put epoxy on your corals and only use in your tank if you have to. Nasty stuff to me. hate getting it on my hands, takes forever to wash the smell off. Can't imagine that the fish and corals enjoy it.
I just bought some "The Original Super Glue Gel". It has a green cap and yellow body. Is this what is good for mounting frags?

If not I will buy some of that Zap Gel online I guess.
If it is cyanoacrylate gel then it probably is fine. Order several tubes of Zap Gel (there's other brands that are good too, Zap is my fav of the ones I have tried) at one time so you have it around when needed. Goes quick when fragging alot of corals.

I think Exotic Aquariums on Bird Road in Miami carries Zap.
any "superglue gel" will work. Even regular superglue works, it's just a PITA to work with because it's a runny liquid.

The best thing in my mind is super glue the cap to the pile of epoxy.

Otherwise if it's a big enough piece of cap, you can just cover a piece of the cap with the epoxy to have cap skeleton inside of the epoxy, and that'll hold it.

The relative flatness of the bottom of a piece of monti cap won't hold to epoxy as epoxy isn't sticky. It won't hold ANYTHING unless that thing is held in place by sheer force (like jamming an acro into it's putty, or the edge of a monti cap) or if the thing has very large-pored surface like a piece of rough live rock.

Otherwise just use gel glue -> epoxy -> rock.

You can use any of the superglue stuff from a 24/7 CVS or Walgreens, or W*mart for that matter.
You can always try your local hobbie store. They should have a bottle of CA- glue and in a size of at least 2oz. It should be pretty cheap too ($5). I just hate those .07oz tubes that everyone has.
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thanks, ill try the glue epoxy rock thing when i get some glue, i was just hopeing that the epoxy was stickier, i guess since i never used it before it was just a PITA...

Is there a reason for not doing just glue to rock? or does the epoxy just stick better to the rock?
IMO leave the epoxy to those who seem to have good luck with it. You have seen my tanks and there is no epoxy in there, do not need it and it doesn't work that well anyway. The only thing I have found it good for is securing liverock together, which is usually unnecessary anyway. Just superglue gel the monti to the rock, or just sit it on top of the rock at the correct angle and it will probably grow onto the rock if you don't mess with it. If you put just a little glue on there, it will help hold it in place until the coral grows onto the rock. Very quick with that monti, it is a fast grower. Trust me Chef, I hooked you up on the monti and have had great luck with the mother colony and other montis.