Established Ricordea Dying


Premium Member
I have/had an established colony of florida ricordea. There were about 60 or so. This colony has been in my tank for over two years and has grown from maybe 10 original ricordea. Here is a picture of them last week.

This has happened over the last two days. They are just melting! They look to be shrunken up with mucus on them after they die. You can see on the edge of one of the close ones to the dead spot that they are starting to melt too.

They are on a rock at the bottom of my tank and impossibe to move without taking my tank down.

Here are my params:
salinity 1.0255
cal 425
dkh 7 ( a bit low but always is for over two years always struggle with it)
phos, Nitrates 0
Mag 1250

T5 lighting- changed out a few bulbs about 3 months ago

A little over two months ago I had a clam that I'd had for a few years die quickly.
A week and a half ago I had a huge leather go through something weird. The base of it started tearing up and disintegrating then it just started to heal. (thought I'd mention that in case there is a relationship)

Any ideas what is going on?
Is there anything I can do to stop it?
It was so beautiful and I am just sick about it.
Thanks for any help
I'll head to the LFS and see if I can find any. There are four more rics gone this morning and two more disintegrating. I'm afraid I'm going to watch the whole colony disappear.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
BTW when you look at the picture of the ricordea dying the big white circular thing between the live ricordea is NOT the dying one. That is just a bit of the rock that happens to be shaped very much like a ric! The dying one is the brown gook to the right of the whitish circular thing. You can see the roots of some macro algae growing kind of shaped in a V. The dying ric is in the V.
Thanks for the input dc
I read up on brown jelly disease and it seems to be a secondary infection. Which would indicate that something was wrong in the first place. But for the life of me I can't figure out what. You can see from the picture taken two days before it started how healthy they looked.
I'm going to go get a turkey baster and try to suck off some of the mucus on the two that are "melting" now. They are all the way on the bottom of my tank and my arms aren't that long so hopefully I don't have to submerge my entire upper body in the tank! Because of that and the fact that they are all over a rock that the other rocks are sitting on, I'm not sure how to frag them. If I could have gotten the rock out without taking the tank down I would have dipped them. I have often wondered how people dip or otherwise treat ailing coral that has grown and spread across the rocks in established tanks. Any tips?

It seems like the ones to the right are going to be spared. but any that touched each other just go next....

I'll post a new picture to show where they are now.
Has this ever happened to anybody? Or has anybody ever seen this happen to florida rics?
In the pic above see how they just kind of shrivel up and then disappear? The one that was in the V of the roots in one of the previous pictures is now totally gone.

I wanted to also show you a pic of the leather. I'll post one of the leather now that seems to be doing fine and a second of the area that is now healing. The area that is healing kind of tore apart. It used to be attached to two rocks and it tore up and is now on only one and has begun to heal. The reason I'm showing this is because when the bits started coming off they would blow all over the tank until I saw them and got them out. I'm wondering if a piece landed on the rics in the night and started this.
I'm probably grasping at straws....
Have you dosed anything that would result in a strange algae bloom?

I have had similar melting after a kalk incident, and then a subsequent strange brown 'snot' looking episode that lasted for a couple of weeks. After a few water changes things started to look back to normal. I did lose some mushrooms.

Could be coincidence.....I hope you are able to stop it. Those are beautiful.
Thanks Sugartooth
It feels a little better to at least "share" the pain!

To answer your question, not that I know of. I dose Randy's two part with a dosing machine. l adjusted it a bit ago to try to keep up with the tank load. Since then my Calcium has been a bit high which has resulted in my staghorns growing like crazy and crazy growth of the calcifying halimeda algae. That is the green you see in the background of the pictures.
My protien Skimmer hasn't bee producing much for about two weeks but I've also had very little algae on the glass and haven't had to clean it very often-maybe every fourth or fifth day by pulling the magnetic cleaner over it.

Here is what I just tried. I sucked any mucus off of the two shriveling ones. Then i squirted Reef Plus vitamin and amino acid supplement on them. (Sbcaes that was as close as I could find to vitamin c at my LFS) I dosed it yesterday but decided to squirt the messed up ones today for extra targeting! LOL Probably makes no sense at all, but at least I feel like I'm trying!
Here's what you have to do.

Water change. Run carbon.

That's all you can do. Those are ricordia floridas, and are very hardy. There must have been something in your water or a quick parameter change to bring on this problem. Stop the 2 part for now until you can get your water into balance.

I would do a series of water changes quick.
Tas - did you add any other coral to the tank, or move any around? Perhaps something is fighting with it. I once added an orange crush acan not knowing it is aggressive to neighboring coral and it literally melted 8 rics off a rock before I realized it. I saved the last two by moving them to another tank and then they did fine. Just a suggestion.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12594475#post12594475 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jimbo327
Here's what you have to do.

Water change. Run carbon.

That's all you can do. Those are ricordia floridas, and are very hardy. There must have been something in your water or a quick parameter change to bring on this problem. Stop the 2 part for now until you can get your water into balance.

I would do a series of water changes quick.
