ETSS Evolution 500 skimmer...good?


New member
I currently have the Coralife super skimmer 220. I had it for about 6 months and it's been good, but I think I will be going into SPS soon and want to upgrade. What do you guys think of the ETSS 500?

THe EVO 500 is a good skimmer but for the amount of pump power that it requires, you mind as well get a becket-based skimmer. The becket, given the same amount of pressure, will give smaller, tighter, denser amounts of bubbles. I didnt have the EVO exactly, but i've had the ETSS 600 and the ETS 800 gemini. It's the same concept as the EVO, the only differnece is that the scrubbing tower (bioballs) run thru the middle of tthe skimmer rather than on the side like on the calssic ETS's. I have operated the HSA 250 and the 1000 as well as a Bullet 2. The becket-based skimmers are better, in my humble opinion.

The ETSS will run you about $450 with pressure rated pump, no?

There are at least 10 skimmers i would buy for the same money before the ETS 500.

Just my experience. Hope this helps,
