Active member
It took me HOURS to photograph these with a broken camera ( the viewing screen shows up blank, you can't tell if your pic is in focus until after you load it to the computer). First is a setosa that has taken on a light green pigment in between the branches. These parts were not in the shade. I fragged it off to see if i can grow it out and brighten the green graft.
[/IMG] second pic with the orange reduced to show the graft better
second is my orenji monti which has taken on a burnt orange swirl in some spots. note how much brighter the orenji is than the setosa.
They might not be bright or clear enough to be LE material but I think it's still pretty cool.

second is my orenji monti which has taken on a burnt orange swirl in some spots. note how much brighter the orenji is than the setosa.

They might not be bright or clear enough to be LE material but I think it's still pretty cool.