Experience with H. ciliaris, SPS safe or not?


TOTM January 2006
Experience with Holacntus ciliaris, SPS safe or not?

Have someone try out this beautiful angel with SPS, and what is the answer. Try or not try?

Over the years I've seen some people keep them, though for how long they resided in the reef tanks I don't know. I say if you're willing to risk it, start with a small specimen in a small tank and test with some frags. LONG time ago I kept a juvi. H. passer that didn't bother and LPS or shrooms and sps. But I got rid if it after several months cause it was so mean. I've had a P. imperator for years in a reef as well. Just like all other angels, my bet on the queen would be that it's a hit or miss.
Little more off topic than you might want but i did keep a Blue Face in my reef for about 6 months...right now he/she is in QT til we get the 240 going...i had no problems with it so far..its still a juv. All the queens i have scene have been really mean fish as far as reef safe i have yet to see one.