expert help wanted


New member
so the poll is looking like it will end up being the trigger tank. now i need to think about the tank and fish.

fish list:
1 Saddleback Butterflyfish (Chaetodon ephippium)
1 Arothron Dog Face Puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus)
1 Zebra Moray Eel (Gymnomuraena zebra)
1 Humu Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
1 Red Tail Triggerfish (Xanthichthys sp.)
1 Banana Wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens)
1 Pinkface Wrasse (Thalassoma quinquevittatum)
1 Goldbar Wrasse (Thalassoma hebraicum)

other fish i like:
Niger Triggerfish (Odonus niger)
Undulate Triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus)
Harlequin Tusk (Choerodon fasciatus)
Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Red Flag Grouper (Cephalopholis urodeta)
Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)

(72x17x27) 135 gallons
55 gallon sump
octopus skimmer
100lbs of live rock
2" sand bed

if you see a problem with anything please let me know i will be starting this project in a few weeks. hope to be done by new years.
plus that wish list would be a handful for a 250-300 gal tank. Thats alot of bioload, and some potential good sized to big fish as adults.
the wrasse list the eel and pinktail would be a good start, dont know if all those wrasses would get along, but they would work in the tank you listed
its a red tail not a pinktail. im going to add all the fish to the tank on the same day. going to start getting fish andputting them in qtin tanks. going to try to get them as small as i can. i have 10, 20, and 29 gallon qtin tanks for them.
if i take out the butterfly can i get the niger?
can i get any of the fish on the wish list?
fish list:
i would only do 1 wrasse since they might fight.
not sure about the butterfly since i dont know if its one of the more aggressive species.

wish list:
no to niger and undulate (too big and too mean)
no to emperor (too big)
no to anthias (im not familiar with them but i think they would be too passive)
no to grouper (wont be fun feeding puffer and him silversides - done it before trust me)

i would only try the tusk and the tangs (and even then only the yellow). not sure if the tank would be big enough but for fish compatibility thats what i would have narrowed it down to.
fish list:
i would only do 1 wrasse since they might fight.
not sure about the butterfly since i dont know if its one of the more aggressive species.

wish list:
no to niger and undulate (too big and too mean)
no to emperor (too big)
no to anthias (im not familiar with them but i think they would be too passive)
no to grouper (wont be fun feeding puffer and him silversides - done it before trust me)

i would only try the tusk and the tangs (and even then only the yellow). not sure if the tank would be big enough but for fish compatibility thats what i would have narrowed it down to.
i think this will be the final list unless someone tells me it wont work.

1 Arothron Dog Face Puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus)
1 Zebra Moray Eel (Gymnomuraena zebra)
1 Humu Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
1 Red Tail Triggerfish (Xanthichthys sp.)
1 Banana Wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens)
1 Pinkface Wrasse (Thalassoma quinquevittatum)
1 Goldbar Wrasse (Thalassoma hebraicum)
1 Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
1 Saddleback Butterflyfish (Chaetodon ephippium)
i know i will be upgrading the tank to over 400 gallons but it wont be for a while. im hoping all those fish will work for atleast a few years. should take that long for them to get full grown.
If you get a 400 I would put a emperor angel but I would wait until you get the 400 or if you get a 400 I would put in a epaulette shark
I would leave out the tang and the butterfly.
Put lots of rock and I think you would be ok....I still would like to see a bigger tank for the puffer.
when the fish start to outgrow the tank i will upgrade. what size tank should i upgrade to? 210 gallons (72x24x29)?