External Refugium DYI


Hello folks!

I am working on a new build and, as I will run Triton Method, I need a big refugium.

The under space of my stand is very small and I can barely fit my sump in there.

So I'd like to ask your suggestions on how could I make a DYI refugium for ir, below is the picture of my tank and stand.

I'd appreciate any help!


Thank you!
Wow that is tight. I had a remote fuge on my last tank, it was just another taller tank that I drilled a hole in the side and it gravity drained to the main sump.

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Id replace those huge legs with something that allows more space to be used down there... As is like 50% of the available space is blocked or not easily accessed...
I've been contemplating one myself (a remote fuge) to supplement what I have right now, which is a Trigger systems 36" and I use the central compartment for chaeto. Maybe something that takes the output of the overflow then is drilled with a return to the first compartment of the sump. Gravity fed would work.
Remove that horizontal 2X8 that’s on top of the stand and replace with 2 (2X4’s) 1 on top and one on the bottom.
Or use whatever is behind that wall if it’s not outside of your place. It can actually do a nice Display refugium if you have a living space behind that wall.
Behind the wall is the hallway that leads to a bathroom, sauna room, bedroom, workshop room, the other fishroom I have in the basement and the movie theater room... Not sure I'd like to have anything fish-related in there.

I am leaning towards buying a small overflow box and hook to a 20g petco tank to be a refugium only system, thoughts?
Ah, just noticed the tank isn't drilled. Yeah, the overflow box sounds viable. I hope you have some way to hide the return or don't mind the look.