Extreme Aquarium

Yeah, I know they are closing. What I would like to know is what their sps selection is like. I live in Fort Wayne, IN and was thinking about making the trip to Indy this weekend to check out their stuff. I was just wondering if it was worth it though. I contacted one of the owners via e-mail and he stated they have 100s of acropora colonies. I have asked him to send pictures but have gotten nothing back. I was hoping someone locally had visited the store and could let me know the quality/selection.
i was just in there last sat.. great sps selection mostly acros, no frags just decent sized colonies and the acros are all priced at $65... i didnt get anything because i have a 34g and everything in there was to mature for my system....but all in all great selection
quality wise the are pretty good, nice bright, no die-off...when i was in there they had a xenia out break....so every piece was covered in xenia...but other than that they are good
Colonies are exactly what I am looking for. Roughly how large is the selection? Are any of the corals LE? Do you know if they are wild colonies?
definitly a good slection of mature acros softies and ricordea when I was there and they were all bali cultured.