F-- blinking error message...?


New member
Anyone ever get this error message? Camera is a D-50 and was a x-mas present. The manuel that came with the camera says that the camera cannot read the lense.It wont let me take pictures at all. I put on 3 different lense and they all have the same error message. If I push up on the lense it will sometimes let me take a picture, but goes right back to the F-- error message. Anyone???
It is still under warranty, but it will take 6-8 weeks for them to look at it and do the repairs.
Do the lenses you are trying have an aperture ring? You have to set this at the largest number, and there usually is a lock to keep it set there. If not on the largest setting you will get an error message. Probably not the problem but just taking a shot in the dark.
It sounds like the electrical contacts between the body and lenses aren't working properly. I've had this happen with old lenses that were just worn out so much the contact area was loose, but with a new body and new lenses (were the lenses all new?) this shouldn't happen. If all the stuff was new then I don't see that you have much choice besides sending it in for the warranty repair.
Yes the lenses are new and came with the camera and are all Nikon's. They dont have aperture rings, I tried all that stuff-I just going to send it in and wait for about six weeks. Thanks
After reading the post about the contacts, I cleaned them on the inside of the camera and it works fine now. I will wait a few days before I send it in and see how it works
I cleaned the contacts on the camera and the lense. I'll shoot with it for a couple days and see what happens. I just hate sending things out to get fixed, you never really know what they do with it.