Fang-tooth Blennies !


New member
Does anyone have one? I know they have several names. Mine is blue and yellow, I also heard there are many colour variants.

Has anyone been bit by one of these buggers? Did it hurt bad? I am just getting a feel of what kind of personality these fish have as well. So if anyone has one, throw in your input! Thanks

sounds like you have a Yellowtail Fang Blenny or a Blackline Fang. i have a Striped Fang myself. these fish only bite when threatened, or ingested. their spines on their doral fins are venimous as well. now if you do get bit or stung, dont panic unless you are allergic to bees. their venom is about as strong as a bee. just use caution around them and you wont have any worries. these fish are not aggresive at all, and will not just come up and bite you are a fish. mine will attack a snail once in awhile. as its part of their natural diets. he hasnt successfully killed one yet though LOL. he sleeps in weird places at night as well. these are very interesting fish to say the least! when i first got mine, i couldnt get him to eat anything. he would go around eating pods of the LR so i knew he was eating something. i finally started feeding some live brine shrimp. he went nuts with it. i started feeding some frozen brine and mysis shrimp and he finally started eating them. now he eats anything i put in the tank. frozen shrimp, flakes, live shrimp everything. great little fish to have!
That's great thanks a lot guys.. I knew they had venmon in them, just wasn't sure how dangerous they were. Glad to know it's nothing too serious.

Mine won't eat right now either.. and I have seen him picking at LR for pods or microalgae.. whatever it may be. I fed myssi and flake yesterday, and no luck :( I don't have any live food either. I hope he eats soon.

Thanks again for the great info.. if anyone else has any info. that would be great..

I have one too...i'm still learning about them. The wetweb info is great. I ran in to that a week or so ago.

They are neat and do sleep in wierd places.
Cool.. haven't seen mine sleep anywhere weird yet. I hope he eats today, though.. I hate getting a fish taht doesn't eat.
yeah, it sucks.....

It will come around.

Mine sleeps under the mag float sometimes, or in the cornor of the glass about 1/2 up....and he has a hole in the end of a piece of Tonga Branch rock, that he likes to sleep/hide in.

If it's grazing, it will eat at some point. It just doesn't recognize that the floating stuff is food.
Just a note guys, SOME Fanged Blennies are not suited to community tanks, regradless of other inhabitants. Some of these "Sabertooth" Blennies eat fish slime/scales. Other than that, they're pretty reef and fish safe.
I've actaully been bitten by one. Hurts more than a bee sting, and the initial bite is quite painful due to the size of the fangs. But nothing to worry over, as mentioned, unless you're allergic. My finger throbbed and was swollen for about a day, then everything was fine
Alright thanks everyone. I will avoid putting hands in the tank (good practice anyhow..) and hope for the best for this guy (and myself lol)
