feeding help with lion


New member
I just bought a new lionfish from the LFS thats not taking the frozen foods. Im going to assume that he has not been weined from them yet. Any tipe on what to start feeding him and how to get him off the live foods?
Get some live ghost shrimp. Feed them bloodworms before feeding them to the lionfish. I drop them in one at a time from the net close to the lionfish. After a week or two of feeding every couple of days, switch to frozen or pellets, again feeding from the net. Be patient.
You can get some ghost shrimp & feed the ghost shrimp something nutritional (flake food, cyclopezee, blood worms....) before feeding them to your lion.

What kind of lion do you have?

Get a clear feeding stick for about 1.50 or so at your LFS, try Silversides, Krill or Raw Shrimp. Place the food on the end of the stick & try to feed, it will help if you let the lion go hungry first for a few days. Try to let the lion come to you, don't just shove the food at it, that may also help.

And depending on the type of lion, Volitans are easier to get on frozen, I would be very careful if you use a net, Lions can get the fins tangled in that net.
well heres what i did

my lion wouldnt eat anythign for me until all my damsels were eatin by him! which took about 2 weeks or so. i found that no matter what i tried to feed him if the live food was around he wasnt going to take anythign else. SOOO always remember no lionfish is stubborn enough to starve himself to death. i tried ot feed mine for about 7-8 days and he wouldnt touch anything, until one day he was finally hungry enough to take some krill. the next day he was eating sliversides, krill, brine, aquidd etc.!! just be patient he will eat!!
yes sir, just starve him for about a week and feed him frozen silverside with a feeding stick or anything that is not alive, that will be expensive in the long run. he'll know who's the boss. oh yeah, alot of pet stores feed them Live feeders because they can prob. care less since they know someone down the road will buy them.
If you want to attempt to trick your Lionfish by placing the frozen food within the stream of your filter or powerhead flow to give it motion and make it look like its alive. My Volitan Lionfish is frightened to death of my feeding stick and gets defensive. So this should help you also coat your food with some Garlic to make it more appealing. Your Lionfish will bite eventually without having to starve it. Beside you wouldn't starve your own children, would you?
oh boy,, you guys took my thread WAY out of context. your not starving him for months or evan starving him at all! , after about 5-6 days (and i stated i tried feeding him everyday through this process if you guys actually read the post) then he will be starving and he will eat! if you feed your children everyday and they don't eat there food , eventually when you put it in front of them they will be hungry enough to eat it! but hey go ahead and keep feeding him live feeders, i don't care if your lion gets liver disease and dies young! my method is far from starving him, and you guys are far from knowing how to read and interpret a post, but very quick to bust my balls....i thought i left one foruwm because of this but i guess theres a couple in every bunch huh??:hammer: :uzi: :uzi: :blown:
psusocr, Whats up with that? I did not see one thing in here that was said about your post or directed at you..............

I also only see ghost shrimp recommended as live feeders in here, I did not see anyone recommend live FW fish.....

there were 2 puns directed at me that i found offensive as if i were a child. Im sorry if you or anyone else think that i over reacted there but i thought they were 2 rude comments. i mean i hope they werent but, i dont know how else i could have taken them
There's a big difference between my kid and my fish. I can reason with my kid. what are you supposed to do talk the lion fish into eatting?
