Feeding Question


New member
I have 3 large green riccordia,I have had them about 2 weeks. Should I be target feeding them mysis or adding phyto to the tank? If target feeding is the way to go how do I do it? Feed with a syringe and put it right in their mouth? Also, 1 of them I can't see the mouth anymore,is that something I should worry about? It's looking good otherwise.....
They will "grab" onto the food no matter how you want to get it to them, syringe, by hand, thongs, or just throwing it in the tank. It takes a while for them to eat so make sure fish and crabs don't steal their meal. Try it and you will get the trick. You can find more nutritious food than mysis, combination food like Rod's. They will thrive in water that has a lot of organics.

Can you get a picture of the one without the mouth?
It is actually doing fine, I looked in the tank this a.m. and it was fine. Maybe it was moving or something, I'm not sure but it seems to be back to normal. Thanks.
second on the baster. I feed mine brine...they love it! I've had one blue ric split 3 times in the last 2 months