feeding watermelon mushrooms.


New member
What exactly do they eat? I hear phytofeast all the time but I hear people here feeding mysis etc... well I have had this rock with a few watermelon shrooms on it for almost a year now and have not seen any changes in the size or amount of mushrooms. Sometimes, one of them has this curly thing come out of the center but always thought it was normal until today, read a thread where it said they do that when they are stressed.
What can I do for my mushrooms to grow large and happy?
here are some pics



I posted the same question in the reef discution forum. It says feeding watermelon mushrooms question + pics. check it out. a lot more participation. I had read an article that said that shrooms needed low light but they are saying on that thread that it is photosynthetic and needs plenty of light. some even feed mysis. this is all very confusing.thx
they like really dirty water as they are filter feeders. in my shroom tank i have a skimmr ratted for a third of the water volume, and i trippel the amount of mushrooms every mounth
Be patient. Try a couple different food items, if the shroom accepts it, you'll be able to tell as it changes shape to eat. If it doesn't react, it probably didn't like it, or is getting enough food 'from the water' and is 'full.' Shrooms eat different for different folks- within certain limits so you'll see some conflicts in advice. Lighting and water quality are most important needs to meet, feeding can accelerate growth- but you may have 'everything' in the water, depending on fish load and other factors.
definitely do not need to feed if you are feeding fish in the tank and have adequate lighting. These things will grow like weeds