Feeding z and p's and increasing growth


New member
Maybe Mucho reef can chime in because i have seen some of his posts and he is very knowledgeable.

Ive read many different posts about feeding znp's. Some say target feed this and some say feed that, some say dont feed, some say have dirty water etc...... some say they thrive in pristine sps tanks etc....

I have been keeping a few zoa's for about 1 month now and also have a shell with some mint green paly's on it. The zoa's were hitchhikers on a small rock and have not propagated yet but are always open and very colorfull. The mint green paly's on the other hand grow like eeds, i started with maybe 10 polyps and probably have 30 now. I think im going to remove them because they are not going to fit my overall goal of my z and p garden and will overun it. Im not sure what my zoa's are called as i cannot find anything on the net/zoaid etc that look like it, one colony is orange skirt with a speckly blue face and orange mouth, the skirts are nice and tight and not real frilly , the other colony is yellow skirts with a red face and yellow mouths.

From my understanding in a natural enviroment the nitrates/phosphates are basically at 0 in the ocean as its all being used up, but some say they get better growth with higher nitrate/phosphate levels, i agree with this as z and p's use photosynthesis and eat like any other plant, but on the other hand some say they eat plankton.......... im confused

Im not looking for another debate on the tons of different ways to increase z and p growth, im just looking for ideas of what i should do to get them to propagate.

tank parameters
120 gallon tank, 90 gallon sump with 30 gallon fuge(sump total-about 70gl)
150lbs marco dry rock
1.026 salinity
8.0-8.1 ph
9 kh currently
450ppm calcium
1400ppm mag
0ppm ammonia
0ppm nitrite
10ppm nitrate
.25ppm phosphates

my nitrates raised some after a vacation and the filter sock ran without getting cleaned daily and also phosphates raised also, i think my tank sitter fed heavier than i do, i just purchased a phosban reactor and adding phosban, my fuge has feather and grape caluerpa and cheatomorpha
also have 50 crabs and 50 snails currently

currently feeding nori and fozen select complete, fish are 2 black clowns

i was thinking of feeding reef chili to the tank, thoughts? what should i feed?
i feed my tank rods food...it has small food for my feather duster, and gorg...and big enough pieces to suffice my 2 clowns,yellow watchman,6 line and blenny...
and i have probably 50 different kind of zoas/palys...and they catch and close up around the food too...and my chalice loves it too...

rod orginal food is awesome....after feeding that to my tank i will never feed anything else...also some people say you dont have to feed zoas or palys but i feel that if they are living and catch it then they wanna eat :)

also FWIW, i have a 40 breeder that has 0 nitrates,and i run GFO and carbon and i had a frag of rastas go from 3 polyps to 8 in a month or so...i also have alot of macros in my DT and sump...

the green palys are often called button polyps or something like that and will grow like weeds and take over if you dont keep them in check..i have one that hitched a rid in with a zoa frag i got..its huge...lol

hope that helps....
i have ben considering rods food along time now, im gonna try to find some locally as its super expensive to ship just some food, yeah those green palys grow like crazy, the shell got flipped over and burried in sand and they just did a 180 and poked through the sand and kept growing, i dont like them, there look is kind of raggedy and not uniform like my zoa's and other palys i have seen, i think im gonna give them away or trade them
ive had a lot of sucess with seachem's reef plus. Basically amino acid and vitamin supplement. Had some growth rates and coloration that is definitly from this stuff. Seems like the main vitamin is vitamin C.
I feed my Zoa/Paly tank Rod's food for the few fish and certain Paly's will catch some particles and eat it. I also feed normally once a day zooplankton at night once the lights are off. I also dose once a week Vitamin C for over all health and see good results I have quite a few rare Zoa/Palys and found this to work best for me certain ones grow faster than others my Red Hornets pop a baby every couple weeks. My Rastas even grow I get a baby roughly every month or so and I have heard from various sources that these grow very slow