few Q's


New member
Just curious if TBS tends to send better LR with the package deal, than LR alone?
Does TBS take special orders (i.e. rock size, coral types on rock?).
Off the top of your head, whats would you say your averyage shipping cost is to the midwest using airline shipping, for say 75 lbs. LR?
And one last easy one, how is the weather down there?

My boyfriend and I just committed to a 75 gallon tank in Illinois. We have a 29 gallon, with Lalo LR from Drs. Foster and Smith. We expected alot from the LR. Three weeks later it arrived damp, we did a salinity dip on it, and it took about 3 to 4 weeks to "cure." I wish I was having the problem ya'll are having (finding spots to place corals), what a problem indead! Lets just say I dont want to have to "cure" live rock ever again. We've been researching TBS for awhile, and this "cycling" idea sounds SO much better to me.
I recieved the first part of my 55 Gallon shipment and I payed 80 Dollars for shipping to Denver, CO
I think it will be the same or less for the second shipment (hopefully tomorrow)
And what you expect from the rock is exactly what you get (and even more)
I expected alot from my rock, but what I got took my socks off. You just can't catch that color and live on a pic!

Good luck
The idea is that the first rock you get will serve as a foundation for the second half. The first half is simply amazing - three weeks after receiving it I'm still finding new critters and growth. Given the bad recent weather I'm still waiting on the second half but it should be even nicer if that's possible.
another thing to remeber is you wont get the benifit of the LR and LS if you just throw in some bare base rock and the precycled of the tank for the decorator rock so it will prolong the initial startup of your tank before you can add the decorator rcok

plus if you plan to put LR, LS and a cleanup crew you cannot beat the price they sell the whole package at pretty much what it costs for most rock shipped do the math and you'll see. That is if TBS is the type of rock you are looking for

Hope this helps
delta im a little confused as to what you are saying, if we put in LS and then bare base rock, it will take longer to cycle than if we skipped the base and just used decor? will the decor take longer or do you just mean everything alltogether will take longer because of the extra stage waiting after the base before the decor
wasn't sure if you were using LS but even with that it will take some time to seed your base rock with essencial bacteria as it too acts as a filter

but like i said before do the math when you get down to it if you plan to using every aspect of the pacakge but buy it in peices you will pay alot more than the package costs even though it seems alot up front
I almost choked when it finally came time to order my 90 gallon package.
I thought "why don't I just buy live rock locally from a lot of different sources" and maybe save a few bucks as well as get some diversity. When I started looking around I found out that a TBS package will actually save me money- and quite a bit at that. Even with the shipping.
It just seems expensive because you have to fork it over all at once. I bit the bullet and my first half is scheduled for tomorrow- I really, really feel like I did the right thing. Price wise, diversity wise, and aesthetics wise.
I'm a little excited...

The difference between TBS and other suppliers is the speed of delivery and the method of shipping.
My shipment took about 5 hours from Tampa to my fish tank in NY. (I picked it up at the airport).

Prior to ordering from TBS I bought a piece of "Cured" LR from a local fish store. It looked like something I could pick up at a garden supply. After six weeks it is finally showing some patches of Coralline Algae.

My first delivery from TBS:

Live sand containing:
Snails, arthropods, bits of coral and shells covered in coralline algae two brittle stars and a large shamefaced crab.

Live rock :
Completely covered in coralline algae, clams, sponges,two kinds of coral,at least five anemones of different sizes, two christmas tree worms, assorted crabs, one very small mantis shrimp, a tiger goby and a small fuzzy red star fish.
I lost some sponges , but everything else survived so far and seems very healthy.

Cycle was ten days.