Fighting conch


New member
I'm wanting to get a fighting conch for my 12 gal. nano. I've read that they are good sand sifters. My question is if I've got a crushed coral bed instead of sand will they be able to sift and be happy?
IMO I would say no. I have one which is about 5" in a 90 gal. It digs into the sand for long periods of time sometimes longer than a week. I would think the crushed coral would be to tough for it to dig down into and move around in. Also I think that a 12 gal maybe too small for a conch even the smaller fighting ones.

What else could I use to keep my cyano out of my tank without using chemicals or macro? I'd like to use snails. Are cerith snails good at this IYO? The cyano is uder controll but I like It to go away completely.
I have a few ceriths in my tank and never seen them eat the stuff, but they may in yours. Try and find out what caused it in the first place, old lights, bad water or circulation etc.. do a search here and you"ll find alot of different reasons and also some critters that might eat it.


Here's a recent, very informative thread from Dr. Ron's column:

Bearing in mind that details within the thread pertain to a 200 gallon tank and not a 12 gallon nano...there is very good information.

I am not sure conchs, or any snail for that matter, are your solution. Nevertheless, he does note that fighting conchs or the much smaller Strombus maculatus may eat the stuff.
