Fighting monticaps


I have 2 large monti caps colonies that have finally made contact. I was hoping they would naturally graft together but it looks like they're starting to fight a bit. Saw some white stringy slime this morning at the contact point as well as the red/orange cap looks a bit stung but let me know what y'all think. I've never had a grafted monti so I'm curious if maybe this abnormal part of the process?

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You sure their both the same species, groth patterns look a bit different?

Yeah they are both the same species. If by different growth pattern, you're referring to the "jagged" edges of the red one, that's because I had an issue a month or 2 ago that caused some issues in some of the coral so what you're seeing was some slight recession along the edges. It's since been growing out and recovering nicely.

The only difference is the thickness. The green cap is a pretty thick skeleton while the red/orange is much thinner and brittle.

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Those are 2 different species, green is smooth and uniform growth and polyps are more visible. Orange has ridges polyps less visible , orange one might be a cap, the green one I don't think so. . I'm not looking at the edges I'm looking at the body of the coral.

If they were the same Coral, they would grow around and intermingle. These 2 are fighting for space, looks like green is winning.

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Those are 2 different species, green is smooth and uniform growth and polyps are more visible. Orange has ridges polyps less visible , orange one might be a cap, the green one I don't think so. . I'm not looking at the edges I'm looking at the body of the coral.

If they were the same Coral, they would grow around and intermingle. These 2 are fighting for space, looks like green is winning.

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Green is definitely winning. Thank you though that's definitely helpful. If you don't think the green is a cap what do you think it might be?

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Here is a Google pic of 2 different caps, intermingling. Sometimes the same Coral will start to graph the colors together.


I'm guessing the green one you have is an encrusting or another type of swirling montipora. I have no luck with scientific names of Corals. My Coral names are blue fur, rainbow fur, green rings. Basically the color and whatever the coral shape is to me 😁

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