Fijian biotope


New member
I'm looking to set up a small tank based on a Fijian biotope, rather than have just a mix of animals from all over the world that look nice but don't really reflect a particular place. However, I am finding it quite difficult to source information telling me what species of fish/invertebrates/corals etc are found in this area.

I'm looking at Fijian because that's the type of live rock that my LFS routinely stocks.

Do you know of any sources of this information - preferably on the web or even on this site :D ?

Thanks in anticipation :)

John I am researching the same very thing except I have not chosen a specific biotope yet. I had thought of Fiji as well since I think the Fiji Yellow Leather coral is beautiful. Some things have helped me somewhat such as diving books and television shows. I also plan to purchase some field guides. I think it would be easiest to choose an area, which you already have done, and then choose a depth. By depth I mean shallow water would contain mainly stony reef building corals and deeper low light corals would be nonphotosynthetic corals. Then you have the big gap inbetween which makes it difficult. I am not sure how deep down the Yellow Leather grows or exactly where it grows but it's a starting point for me to research. Do you happen to have the Discovery HDTV channel? They had an excellent show called Equator that showed coral reefs in detail including fish and invertebrates. I watched it twice and will watch it again.
Please keep us posted with your research. I would love to keep a biotope topic going. Maybe if people had more ideas and experience to share more of us would create reefs such as these.
I am also in the process of setting up a small Fiji/IndoPacific biotope, and a Caribbean biotope. If you can, read some of the information from the Reef Fishes book by Scott Michael, there are some interesting ideas in there. My Caribbean tank will be setup with gorgonians, softies, dwarf angels, and royal grammas, while the Fiji tank will be clownfish, anemones, and possibly SPS.
Thanks very much for the information Amanda, drwonga and tangreef. I was searching for stuff like "Fiji marine survey" which hasn't brought much luck so far - but the links that I've been given here look very promising.

Thanks again and good luck with your biotopes
