Filter System for a 180???


New member
I am getting ready to set up a 180 gallon all glass tank with duel megaflows. It is going to be a fowlr aggressive tank. Mainly puffers and triggers. My question is what type of filtration should i put on it. I was told to go with a wet dry and a refugium together. Also i will definitely have a large skimmer on it. If any one has a aggressive fowlr around this size can you post pictures of your tank and filtration system. Also how much of a water change do you do and how often.
the bigger the better as far as wet/dry filters. you can get more stuff in em. such as: cheato, 6"-8" DSB with rubble rock, carbon and floss filters, cleaned bi-weekly, should set you up nicely. have a great day!

P.S. remove the bio-balls immeadiatly. theyre "NITRATE DEMONS"!
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