Final voting is on for the Vertex Me contest - Help NCPARS win


New member
Well, I made the final round. Vertex has the Vertex Me contest going on now and your initial round of votes got us to the final four! If NCPARS wins then we get $2000 worth of Vertex equipment for the Tanks in Schools program.

Please visit the Facebook page for Vertex Aquaristik and click on their Polls tab. Vote for the video lflint.

Here's a link:

Thanks a million!

-Larry Flint
NCPARS VP of Education
I'm not exactly sure how I claim the prize. The Vertex people congratulated me by e-mail and said that one of their U.S. distributors is going to contact me very soon to fill me in on the details. My top priority is a Vertex Alpha 300 skimmer for the Williamsport system. Maybe a smaller skimmer for another school tank and some reactors. Not exactly sure yet.

We'll show everything off at the April swap at our school.