Fire and Ice Zoanthids question


New member
So, from the title, I have a question regarding fire and ice Zoa's. From all I have seen, I am drawn to Fire and Ice. My next purchase, after a few more weeks, will most likely be Fire and Ice. What Flow, Lighting do these Zoa's prefer?

I love the way these Zoa's look.


It will vary from frag to frag. Even the same morphs have been recorded to tolerate different lighting and flow.

I would recommend starting from the bottom of the tank w/ moderate flow. Depending on how they respond is where you place them. If they stretch for more light, they go up, if they start flattening out you need to shade them and etc.

The zoa will tell you what they want. Just observe them carefully.
I have some fire and ice. With my lights, I'm not impressed. I had them in the bottom and they was great, then the started to lose color. I moved them up and they are coloring up but... Mine must demand some really really strong light. I'm not putting them up with my sps either...
Not to bust your bubble, but they are a very finicky zoa. Obviously some people do great with them. But most I talk to dont have the best luck keeping those colors.
I had a real nice handful of them(colors were vibrant and distinct) and they got pushed off the frag and pulled into the crevasse of a rock and now I can't find them ha probably died and eaten by now. Oh well..
Thanks for the input. I want to add some decent colors and have always been drawn to Fire and Ice. Maybe I will look around and see what else is out there, or maybe I will try some Fires. I want to let my frags I have grow out some before I add more.