LOL, Bob I hope you didn't think I was picking on you with this thread. Just thought that would be a weird and quirky name for a store. I figure we could use this thread for ideas or just generally noting what we like or dislike about stores. No need to bash stores in here, just say hey, I hate it when...[example] or I love it when a store [example].
Another bit of advice I'd give on starting at store is that you'll be hard pressed to be able to do a store that is run by a bunch of hobbyists doing it on the side. The most sucessful stores have the owner very much involved in running the store, they are usually there, cleaning, watching over everything, and working with people like me and distributor reps to get good pricing and set up store events. Theres also a mix of stores in the way of who runs/owns them as well. You have your business/entrepeunuer (someone get this man a dictionary!) type, who actually generally does well in this business (I can already hear you guys forming comments about this one!), you've got your strict hobbyist who relies on their knowledge of the hobby to get them through, and this generally has mixed results (again there are always exceptions, and I can site a bunch in this case.) and then there are the in-betweeners, and these guys or gals generally do the best. The one reason it can be tough to deal with a hobbyist store owner (again please, i'm not saying its all, the vast majority, or anything like that) is they can be very stubborn. They'll assume a new product just will not work, period, or since they don't like a particular product they won't carry it, despite a boatload of customers wanting it and using it sucessfully and happily.
The other problem you may run into with having soooo many with their hand in decision making is that you are going to have conflicting ideas on how things should be done, and thats always going to be trouble.
One thing I know you guys got going for you is that you all are very knowledgeable on what you do. I would say it'd be safe to assume you guys would give decent advice to your customers (cept for KaptKen, we would keep him around for amusement! Ha! Just kidding buddy!)
I don't know what does everyone have to say? Lets keep discussing, thats what the forum is for!