First Order, First Experience


New member
I placed my first order with Blue Zoo Aquatics about a month ago. I had previously purchased from another reputable online vendor a male filamented flasher wrasse and after more research decided to add some females. So I did an internet search and Blue Zoo had in stock female filamented flasher wrasses. Emails w/Mark Martin gave a lot of insight to the fish I was interested in and I found out you could schedule shipping two weeks later with the option to add to the order (Sweet!). I ordered the three females and ended up adding in some other livestock later (2 cleaner shrimp, pink plate coral, turbo snails, feather dusters). They held my order from shipping an additional week making sure the fish could handle the stress of shipping. I thought that was super that they took the time to be sure the animals were ready and healthy enough for shipping. During this time any questions I had, Mark was really very helpful, and patient, in answering all my questions. All the animals have been in their respective tanks since last Friday and are all doing well. They all arrived very healthy. The females ate quite heartily the frozen foods put into the tank, only one has figured out what pellets were.

Thank you Blue Zoo staff for all the extra care & time you took in caring for the animals to be shipped and sending me very healthy specimens!

It was really our pleasure working with you on this and I am very happy that the animals are doing well for you. Keep up the great work with your tank and let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Take care and have a great week. :)