first shipment - lots of ???


Premium Member
Got my first shipment last Wed - have been checking amm. levels every day - still only 0.1. Should I still do a water change? All the critters look happy - corals have polyps out, barnacles filtering ect.
Have the lighting on for 5 hours daily right now - OK? And when do I increase it. These are T-5's.
Richard, read in another post that there aren't any aptasia on your rock - good thing I read that as I saw two small anemones that I was going to zap. One is clear with white tips, the other is clear and brown with striped tentacles. They are small, about 1/2 to 3/4 inch tall. Any idea what they are? I really need to learn how to post pics! :rolleyes:
Several mussles attached to the bigger pieces. Put what I thought was a round rock in the front of the tank only to notice it "cracked" open - when I went to take a closer look, it snapped shut! Cool - :cool: It's almost the size of a baseball - the edges of the shell appear to be yellow but the rest of it is covered in coraline - No clue what type of bivalve
Really looking forward to the second shipment!
I would personally do a pre-emptive water change before shipment #2 arrives.

I would also personally keep the lights limited until shipment #2 is in, then, I'd increase by 1 or 2 hrs/day until your 'full' period (10 or 12 hrs, your choice).

OK, let's be honest, all you new TBS owners: How many hours a night do you spend staring at your rocks?
I would get rid of the anemone looking stuff. I have some in my tank and have been removing it; I think its aiptasia--these things look exactly like you described.

I pulled a bunch of my bivavles off because I hear they die within a year anyways. When you pull them off the rock underneath it is very bland. I figured I pull it now so I can get good coraline coverage for the future.

Good luck.
The anemone with the striped tentacles sounds like a curlycue. Not sure about the other. If Richard says there aren't any aptasia in the TBS rock, I'ld think he would be the one to know. ;)
OK, let's be honest, all you new TBS owners: How many hours a night do you spend staring at your rocks?


More than I spend watching the junk on tv.
kashmir said:

More than I spend watching the junk on tv.

We pulled the plug on cable 4 years ago and can't get aerial reception. Haven't missed it. We do watch the occasional video and, of course, spend way too much time on the internet;)
I have five or six of those anemones from 1\2 " to three inches across with a whitish stalk and brown tentacles. They don't seem to bother anything and I haven't had a population explosion even after two months. They don't seem to grow very fast.

I also have a bunch of bivalves and am feeding phytoplankton every other day. I hope to keep them alive as I love the diversity on TBS rock.