First time coral


Hello, I just got back into the hobby after a 10 year absence and have some questions about a first time reef tank. Current tank is a 36g bow, fully cycled and just added basic clean up crew and 2 oc clowns. Want to add corals (zoeys maybe some mushrooms but def sticking to easy to keep softies) eventually and was wondering if I had enough water flow with my 110 aquaclear hob? Or should I add a powerhead, and which one do you suggest. Thanks again
Zoas and shrooms don’t need a lot of flow. I’d say go with what you have and if you think you need more flow, look into Jebao or Hygger on Amazon.
Ok, how would I know if they needed more flow anyway?
Observation and asking questions here. Generally, for SPS, you’re wanting 10 times turnover per hour👴.

If your tank is 36 gallons, your filter claims to move 500 gph. So, you should be good.

Of course, you may have dead spots of flow with only one source of water movement so, one or two small powerheads wouldn’t hurt.

With one or two of these you can adjust the flow as needed.